Speaking Fee Schedule

Location: Continental United States
Length: Up to 3 Hours
Live Event Fees (USD): $15,000* ~ Virtual Event Fees (USD): $7,500

Location: Alaska-Canada-Caribbean-Hawaii-Mexico
Length: Up to 3 Hours
Live Event Fees (USD): $20,000*

Location: International
Length: Up to 3 Hours
Live Event Fees (USD): $45,000*

* Speaking fees do not include travel expenses

Ability to Pay: Fees for certain educational, military, government, non-profit & faith-based organizations may be reduced based upon "ability to pay" and other factors - We suggest the organization propose an honorarium outlining their unique situation and we will make a determination based upon the circumstances of each case.


  • Video-Recording Fee: 50% of speaking fee (J.D. Hunter Associates, LLC receives the master)

  • Audio-Recording Fee: 25% of speaking fee (J.D. Hunter Associates, LLC receives the master)